354th Mission Support Group

An Airmen reviews inventory items

The 354th Mission Support Group supports the 354th Fighter Wing by providing combat-ready forces, equipment, and essential services while sustaining base infrastructure and providing programs to improve quality of life for the Eielson community. From family services to construction and security, the 354th Mission Support Group keeps the physical installation and its personnel performing at peak efficiency, despite the challenging arctic weather conditions presented by interior Alaska. 


354th Civil Engineer Squadron

Base facilities are constructed, maintained and operated under the direction of the 354th Civil Engineer Squadron.  It operates a coal-fired heat and power plant, water plant and waste-water treatment plant. 354th CES is responsible for other municipal services, environmental and natural resources programs, and bombing range operation and maintenance. Maintaining unit readiness for contingency taskings, supporting disaster preparedness programs and providing explosive ordnance disposal capabilities are also part of the mission of the 354th CES.

354th Contracting Squadron

The Contracting Squadron consists of three flights: Acquisition Flight (Construction), Acquisition Flight (Services), and the Plans and Programs Flight.

354th Logistics Readiness Squadron

The 354th Logistics Readiness Squadron provides supplies, fuels, cryogenics, equipment, and vehicle resources for the 354th Fighter Wing and the 168th Air Wing's aircraft. The squadron ensures the capability to mobilize, provide operational sustainment, and receive cargo and personnel in support of the base wartime taskings.

354th Communications Squadron

The 354th Communications Squadron manages, operates, maintains and provides command and control communications and computer systems, navigational aids and information management services, supporting the 354th Fighter Wing's combat and combat support missions. The unit also provides these services and support to the many tenant organizations on base.
354 CS Vision:  To develop an elite, well-organized, well-disciplined team providing reliant, resilient, and defendable C4 warfighting systems to meet INDOPACOM and NORTHCOM requirements.

354th Force Support Squadron

This diverse squadron of more than 450 assigned military, APF and NAF civilians, and contract personnel provides manpower, personnel services, and programs to enhance morale, quality of life, personnel readiness, family support, and education and training for the Eielson AFB community. The squadron operates and manages recreational activities including the fitness center, ski hill, bowling center, community activity center, library, outdoor recreation, skills centers, and the military club system. 

354th Security Forces Squadron

The 354th Security Forces Squadron provides law enforcement and security services to Eielson Air Force Base and safeguards Eielson and transient aircraft.  Additionally, it provides high-risk and contingency response services through their Special Weapons and Tactics, Crisis Negotiations, and Fly-Away Security teams making this unit an agile and lethal force.