354th Operations Group

Aircraft perform an elephant walk on the Eielson Air Force Base flightline

The 354th Operations Group provides combat-ready forces, global air operations support, and realistic full-spectrum combat training for the joint force and international partners. 


355th Fighter Squadron

The 355th Fighter Squadron was reactivated on Dec. 18, 2020, the second USAF F-35A squadron stationed in the Indo-Pacific theater of operations. The combat-coded squadron's primary mission is the suppression of enemy air defenses and offensive counter-air missions.

18th Fighter Interceptor Squadron

The 18th Aggressor Squadron was redesignated as the 18th Fighter Interceptor Squadron on February 2, 2024. The redesignation allows the 18th FIS and 18th Fighter Generation Squadron to organize, train, and equip for their primary combat mission of providing aerospace control for homeland defense missions in the Alaska Theater of Operations.

354th Operations Support Squadron

The 354th Operations Support Squadron is responsible for several key functions. It provides programming resources to best prepare the 354th Fighter Wing for combat operations, which includes flying hour program management, programming of special use airspace, programming employment training and also maintains AF Forms and CAMS tracking tools.

Several OSS flights provide important hands-on and classroom training to Eielson's in-place and deploying personnel, such as aircrew life support and intelligence training. The OSS is also responsible for providing safe and efficient flying operations support services, to include the coordination and control of aircraft movements, and weather observations and forecasting services.

356th Fighter Squadron

The 356th Fighter Squadron was reactivated in October 2019, the first USAF F-35A squadron stationed in the Indo-Pacific theater of operations. The combat-coded fighter squadron is tasked primarily in offensive counter-air missions, utilizing its 5th generation advanced sensor suite and weapons to help build a more lethal force around the Pacific.

353rd Combat Training Squadron

The 353 CTS is responsible for planning RED FLAG-Alaska, a series of Pacific Air Forces commander-directed field training exercises for U.S. forces, provides joint offensive counter-air, interdiction, close air support, and large force employment training in a simulated combat environment.

Learn more about the history of the 353 CTS here.

354th Range Squadron

The 354th Range Squadron was activated May 13, 2020. The squadron is the USAF's manager of the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex, the largest over-land range in the Department of Defense. The squadron acts as a centralized location for units to address training infrastructure concerns in the JPARC.