1) What is Universal Waste?
Universal Waste (UW) is a category of hazardous waste. Waste cannot be UW if it isn’t a hazardous waste. UW includes lamps, batteries, aerosol cans, pesticides, and mercury-containing equipment.
2) Why is it important to manage UW correctly?
Improperly managed UW has the potential to release harmful substances to the environmental and cause harmful exposure to humans or other living things. Units who mismanage UW also face potential fines from the EPA which could reduce funding needed to maintain mission readiness!
3) What kind of container can I use?
Your installation has specific containers for UW; however, the regulations are broad enough to allow many types of containers. If you don’t have an ECC provided container, then you may use something different. However, your container must meet the following requirements: It must be able to be closed, structurally sound, compatible with the contents of the UW, and must lack evidence of leakage, spillage, or damage that could cause leakage under reasonably foreseeable conditions. Additionally, for aerosol cans the container must be protected from sources of heat. Avoid having to improvise a container and obtain a prelabeled container from ECC.
4) How long can I keep UW?
At the unit level UW waste must be turned in when your container is full or 8 months after the first UW item was placed in the container, whichever occurs first. Turn in day is every Wednesday from 0800-1100 at the Hazardous Waste Building #4388.
5) I put my used lamps and bulbs in a trash can like container, is that okay?
Maybe. If the container is structurally sound, compatible with the lamp contents, and lack evidence of leakage, spillage, or damage that could cause leakage AND can be sealed closed, then your container is compliant. If it does not meet ALL these criteria it cannot be used and could result in violations and fines. Note, there are also labeling requirements.
6) Can I go get a box with a lid and manage my lamps and batteries until I get the training?
Leaving burned out bulbs or lamps in their original fixtures until you receive a container from ECC for their proper management and storage, may be the best choice for your unit and ot ensure full environmental compliance. Contact ECC or the Environmental Department if you find yourself in this situation. With their guidance, they may allow you to take steps to immediately to achieve compliance. This a short-term solution for an immediate correction. Your EUC should coordinate authorization of the ECC training, and upon authorization, you should attend the training as soon as possible. Once you have the required training ECC will provide you with pre-labeled waste containers.
7) What if there is no time to overlap training with my replacement when I leave? How will the UW get managed?
EAFB assigns 2 personnel to each SAA/accumulation point, a primary and an alternate. If you believe trained personnel will not be available to support UW management at your departure contact your EUC or the Environmental Department prior to leaving your work area.
8) If go over the accumulation date can I relabel?
No, this would be a violation of the regulations and could result in violations and fines.
At the unit level, EAFB requires that you turn-in your UW at the Hazardous Waste Building (#4388) no later than 8 months after the first item was placed in the container. The EPA allows EAFB to accumulate UW up to 12 months. Conducting your weekly inspections as required by your Hazardous Waste Management Plan will ensure that you don’t find yourself in this situation.
9) If they issue me 4 ft lamp containers and I have 8 ft lamps is it okay to break the lamps to get them to fit?
No, UW handlers can’t break lamps! Purposely breaking lamps changes the method and management requirements for you and your unit and exposes EAFB to potentially significant fines. Contact ECC for the appropriate containers or to arrange for a pickup.
10) What do I do if the label is missing or weathered and cannot be easily read?
Replace the label with a new legible label. Complete the label with the existing information, leaving the date listed as when the first waste item was placed in the container. Retain the original weathered label, if possible, within your HW management folder or files.
11) If I go through the training offered by base environmental and ECC, can I then train my coworkers to remove lamps and manage them as UW?
Currently, no. Only personnel who have received the ECC training are authorized to manage UW. The Environmental Department is working to develop modified training to account for personnel who only handle UW.
12) If my UW batteries are leaking or the cases are bulging what do I do with them?
Damaged or leaking batteries (or suspected) must by overpacked and containerized. Inner overpack and outer containers must be sealed and closed. The outer container must meet normal UW container requirements and be labeled appropriately with the accumulation date and the words “Universal Waste Batteries.” If you are unsure what do with these batteries or how to properly package them, call ECC for additional guidance.
13) What do I do if I keep calling or emailing to get training and no one responds? Can I manage the lamps and batteries without training if I know what to do?
No, Until you receive the ECC training you are not authorized to manage UW. Continue to reach out to your EUC, ECC, or the Environmental Department. See FAQ #6 for more information.
All primary and alternates must attend initial HW training from ECC. HW Refresher training is available on the TEACH website as an on-demand course. Course title: WESS 010 Hazardous Waste Accumulation Seminar (USAF Annual RCRA Refresher)
Website: https://usaf.learningbuilder.com/account/login/?ReturnUrl=%2f
14) I know universal waste is not the same as hazardous waste and I have been trained for hazardous waste at my last job. Why do I need to take 4 hours of training if the office I work in only has UW?
EAFB has specific environmental requirements that identify HW managers and the training that they must obtain. This ensures HW managers are familiar with the most current regulations and properly manage their waste streams. Improved training is currently being developed for HW managers who only handle UW. This training is intended to be available via a desktop program and can be completed at the HW manager’s convenience.
15) Why can’t I take universal waste and hazardous waste off site to manage at the local waste management facility?
While this might seem like an easy solution to managing your wastes, this is strictly prohibited by EAFB and federal requirements! Only a properly licensed and permitted Hazardous Waste Transporter may transport and remove hazardous wastes from an installation. Installations in Alaska have received significant fines for the improper transportation and disposal of installation generated hazardous wastes off site.