Individuals will no longer be allowed unescorted access to Air Force installations with a state-issued identification card or driver’s license from Minnesota, Missouri, Washington or American Samoa beginning Aug. 15.
This new change aligns the Air Force’s installation access policy with requirements of the Real ID Act, which focuses on improving the reliability of state-issued identification documents and helps prevent a person’s ability to evade detection by using a fraudulent form of ID.
While ID’s that do not meet security and data-collection guidelines will not be accepted, alternate forms of identification will be allowed. Some of the more common alternatives include a valid U.S. or foreign government issued passport, an employment authorization document that contains a photograph, or ID cards issued by federal state or local government agencies that include a photo and biographic information.
According to Air Force officials, all individuals attempting to gain access to an Air Force installation without a Defense Department ID card will be subject to a routine background check.
Those who do not have the accepted documentation for installation access will not be permitted to enter the base without an approved escort.
“If an individual is escorted, the sponsor is required to be physically present with the individual for the duration of the visit to the base,” said Lt. Col. Tony Castillo, the branch chief of police services. “Installation commanders may still deny access and issuance of access credentials if their background check determines the individual represents a threat or negatively impacts the safety or security of an installation’s personnel or resources.”
For a full list of Real ID Act compliant and non-complaint states, visit the Department of Homeland Security’s website. For questions specific to Eielson AFB, contact Master Sgt. Chad Vaughn at 377-3159 or Gary Olson at 377-1474.
(Information from an Air Force News Service release was used in this article.)