• Snow barn: solving Eielson AFB’s snow removal daily

    The 354th Civil Engineer Squadron snow barn is Eielson’s one-stop-shop for snow removal. Airmen assigned here keep the infrastructure of the base as safe as possible by cleaning snow and ice in order to maintain a mission ready status.

  • Iceman born abroad: Tech. Sgt. Ivan Alandzak

    Driving in the dead of night, 5 year-old Ivan Alandzak remembers seeing soldiers laying in ditches, random check points and tanks everywhere.His dad would go away at night to hide so the soldiers wouldn’t capture him and threaten his family. People were being forced out of their houses, and Alandzak

  • Ground breaking for new Corvias Community Center

    U.S. Air Force Col. David Mineau, the 354th Fighter Wing (FW) commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Brent Sheehan, the 354th FW command chief, break ground for the new community center with several representatives from various agencies, May 22, 2017, at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. The plans for the