• 354th LRS POL conducts hot pits

    U.S. Air Force Airmen, assigned to the 354th Logistics Readiness Squadron, conduct hot pit operations on Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, Oct. 1, 2024.

  • Logistics Airmen encourage vehicle winter readiness

    With sub-zero temperatures and icy road conditions fast approaching, Icemen would be wise to ensure their privately-owned vehicles are properly winterized sooner rather than later.The 354th Logistics Readiness Squadron vehicle maintenance flight hosted its second annual POV winter safety inspection

  • Icemen practice recovery operations during Arctic Gold 18-5

    It’s just another day in the office; the computers are humming, keyboard strokes are sounding and engines are starting to be spun-up and sent to work.“ALARM BLACK, MOPP LEVEL 4”You hear the words over the speaker system, AtHoc messages are ringing on everyone’s phones and Airmen are looking to

  • Heavy shop Airmen help maintain airfield integrity

    When thinking about flight line operations and how to keep a resilient airfield, most people think about the snow equipment clearing the flight line, the maintainers aiding each aircraft in taking-off or the pilots flying the aircraft. What most people fail to recognize is without the expertise of

  • A day in the life of POL

    U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Mark Timson, a 354th Logistics Readiness Squadron fuels distribution supervisor, checks off a list June 12, 2017, at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska. Timson preformed a check on a fuel truck to ensure all parts were functional before being dispatched to the flight line