Newcomer Safety Information

Driver Risk Assessment Worksheet

354 FW OGMVC/LCS Policy Memo

Snow Machine Training

           BACKGROUND: Operators of personal snowmachines on-base are required to complete performance-based operator training IAW AFI 91-207 paragraph4.4.6.1. 354 FW safety is the issuing authority for AF Form 483 competency cards for personnel IAW Eielson AFBI 32-7002 paragraph 1.3.

           WAY FORWARD: Units will no longer issue the AF Form 483 for off-duty on-base snowmachine operations and all off-duty on-base operators will be required to have an AF Form 483 issued by 354 safety with a unique permit number. There will be two ways forward for operators with and without previous experience riding snowmachines on or near Eielson.

            Operators without previous experience riding on and/or in the local area of Eielson will be required to complete performance-based training. Currently Fort Wainwright (FWW) outdoor recreation offers training for $15 if operators own a snowmachine and $65 if operators need to rent a snowmachine. Operators can sign up by calling FWW outdoor recreation at361-6349. Safety is working to bring the instructor from FWW outdoor recreation to provide training on Eielson, which will still incur a fee to operators. Once the training is completed, operators will provide safety with proof of completion and 354 FW safety will issue a locally generated AF Form 483 with a unique permit number.

            Operators with previous experience riding on Eielson and/or the surrounding area will provide 354 FW safety a copy of documents showing the operator operated on Eielson AFB or the surrounding area during a previous winter to meet the performance based requirements. Acceptable documents include unit government owned snowmachine training certificate, AF Form 483from unit safety representative from previous winter, military orders, snowmachine purchase agreement, written statement of previous local experience, etc. In addition, operators will need to provide proof they completed the Snowmachine Awareness Training available <>. Once the documents are provided 354 FW safety will issue a locally generated AF Form 483 with a unique permit number

Motorcycle Course Reimbursement:

            Course Reimbursement Process

            OF 1164 (Enlisted)

            OF 1164 (Officer)

Personal Locator Beacons - Activating Your Beacon

Vehicle Winterization Checklist