• For richer or poorer Chapel services steer Airmen

    Everyone needs to be heard once in awhile, even Airmen. One way the Iceman Team renews and reinforces each Airman's sense of purpose is by relying on the guidance of the chapel staff.Entrusted with preparing aviation forces for combat, deploying Airmen in support of global operations and enabling

  • Defenders conduct book drive

    The Eielson Air Force Base 354th Security Forces Squadron Defenders recently gathered and donated 1,241 books for the Literacy Council of Alaska.Even with the unpredictable schedules of 354th SFS Airmen, the book drive allowed everyone in the squadron to be involved. Everyone could take time to

  • Eielson students read over summer break

    For many children, the end of the school year means they can enjoy hours devoted to activities that meet their approval. The library has summer programs that might meet these standards, giving young vacationers one more place to spend their time this summer.Since children's time is no longer

  • Summer Safety Fair alerts Airmen

    The 354th Fighter Wing Safety Office held its annual Summer Safety Fair May 26 at the Thunderdome from noon to 4 p.m.Every year around this time, the wing safety office puts together an awareness event for Airmen, their families and friends. It serves Eielson and the nearby community by providing a

  • Starving for standards

    The push for a lean and mean Air Force has many Airmen looking for different workouts and diets to run faster, push harder and lose a couple inches off of their waists.Dieting can be slow and frustrating, and for those looking for a quick fix, it can be dangerous. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, or

  • MDG earns outstanding rating for inspection

    For the first time in six years the 354th Medical Group received an "outstanding" rating from the civilian and Air Force health inspection team.The Health Services Inspection makes the determination of whether the medical organization is designated as a clinic or hospital. The inspectors evaluate

  • Eielson Celebrates National Law Enforcement Week

    Approximately fifty years after the inception of National Peace Officers Memorial Day, the citizens of this grateful nation continue to honor law enforcement officers on May 15.National Peace Officers Memorial Day marks the beginning of a National Police Week - a week dedicated to remembering the