Jan. 16, 2024 354th FSS hosts Raven Beddown 2024 The 354th Force Support Squadron recently conducted a Ready Raven Beddown exercise aimed to refine readiness within the squadron and promote cohesiveness for future deployments, Jan. 6, 2024.
Sept. 15, 2020 Leading Edge: 354th FSS’ Baker Field House ("Leading Edge" is a series of photo stories that focus on 354th Fighter Wing leaders' immersion with wing units and highlights their contribution to the mission.)
June 5, 2017 Goldrush Inn represents PACAF for Air Force Innkeeper Award For the first time in more than 30 years, the Eielson Air Force Base Goldrush Inn has been nominated for the Air Force Innkeeper Award. Four bases across the Air Force were nominated to compete at the Air Force level for the award, which recognizes lodging operations that provide outstanding